
Privacy and Cookies

Fosen Folkschool is committed to use our web-visitor’s information appropriately. Your privacy and security is our utmost concern.

The following is an explanation of our Privacy Policy which explains how we collect and store your information and digital data.


We use information systems/cookies on our website to optimize the user’s experience. Cookies is used to provide you relevant information and advertising on other websites that are catered to your needs.

Storage of Private Information About Applicants and Students.


The school’s principal, on behalf of Fosen Folk School, is responsible for managing personal information.

Storage of Personal Information

We store the following personal information about our students;
Full name, gender, citizenship, address, telephone number, email address, birth number, main course selection, details about school absence and special health needs.

Collection of Personal Information

We store the personal information you provided on your application form from folkehogskole.no and details of your application. In addition, we save information provided later in the application process if necessary.

Purpose of Personal Information Administration

We collect, process, and store information to fulfill our administrative commitments. Including sending an offer of admission to you.

We also store personal details for informing you of events held by the school such as alumni gatherings. You may, at all times, unsubscribe from such notices.

Sharing of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will never share, sell, transfer or in any way release personal information to others unless we are legally required to do so.

Deletion of Personal Information

Information we have collected in connection with your application will be saved in our student registry for 10 years. Details such as full name and dates of school attendance can only be deleted upon request and in accordance with Norwegian bookkeeping laws.

Rights of the Registered Student

You can request for your personal details to de deleted, but we must store information required by Norwegian bookkeeping law.

Information Security

We protect your personal details by access control in both physical and virtual manners. Encryption is also used to protect sensitive information provided.

Contact Information

Inquiries about which information is registered, about correction, and about the deletion of details, please contact:

Arnhild Finne
[email protected]