Elever på Fosen Folkehogskole ror en trebat i solnedgangen
Kystfriluftsliv med Fosen Folkehogskole: Seiling med apen tradisjonsbat

About Fosen Folk School

At Fosen Folk School you’ll meet students and teachers who yearn for sustainable and organic design and development.

We dare to take the unbeaten path and want to show that it is possible to live well and create a more sustainable society. We are a Green school and follow the rhythm of the seasons in much of what we do.

We have our own wooden boat workshop, our own woods, and run our own organic farm. Here we believe that you can have a lot more fun learning by actively participating and doing things yourself. You’ll learn practical things that’ll help you be more independent, self-reliant, and self-sustaining.



Here, we believe that:

  • Everyone can keep growing
  • Traditions are worth keeping alive
  • Healthy food must be grown sustainably
  • Humans and Nature can live and grow together
  • Critical reflection will help us achieve these goals

Code of Conduct

We believe students have a valuable voice in the discussion regarding policy and social dynamics at school. We support students' freedoms and seek to create a safe space for all. Therefore, our Student Code of Conduct consists of the following rules:

  • Students must participate actively in the lessons and learning opportunties provided at school.
  • Consumption and possession of alcohol, and being under the influence of alcohol, is forbidden on school premises.
  • No possession or use of drugs is allowed.



68 spots

We have room for 68 students, and we think this fits just right!


Politically and Religiously unaffiliated

Fosen Folk High School is an independent school. That means we’re not connected to any religious organisations and believe that everyone deserves to decide that for themselves. We are also politically independent. We want to be freethinkers, open, and prejudice-free.

The school is owned by Fosen Folkehøgskolelag (the Fosen Folk School Association), an open association where earlier students, staff, and others with connections to the school are members.


Our Surroundings

Fosen Folk School at the edge of the town of Rissa, on the Fosen Peninsula in Trøndelag, Norway. The school sits snugly between mountain and fjord only an hour’s bus ride from Trondheim.

In Rissa you’ll find a sports store, pharmacy (apothecary), library, gym, doctor and dentist, grocery stores, clothing stores, a barber, a post office, a pub, restaurants, and a well stocked yarn store with a knowledgeable owner, plus much more.

Our farm is 2,5 km further down the road, a bike ride away. We really recommend bringing a bike!


Great hiking, sailing, and paddling opportunities

The school has a great view over the tidal lake, Botn, which has good fishing and sailing opportunities, as well as room for rowing, kayaking, and ice skating in winter.

Just behind the school is a rich forest just waiting to be explored, and the Trondheims-fjord is just a short bike ride away. With surroundings like this everything is in place for getting outdoors, summer and winter.

We have kayaks and wooden boats that can be borrowed, as well as a cabin in the hills and a Sami shelter not too far from the school that can be great places to relax on the weekends.

Fosen is great for getting outside, both by foot and on skis, it’s often called “Norway in Miniature”. If we’re lucky there’s ice for skating on in the winter. We have good fishing on Fosen as well, whether with nets, line, or fly.

Fosen has a low treeline, so even though we’re right beside the fjord there’s only a little way to hike to get that high-mountain-feeling.


You’ll get to experience:

  • An inspiring and inclusive community
  • Spending a lot of time at the schools workshops, which are always open
  • Personal Development
  • Amazing teachers, who know more than just what they’ll be teaching
  • Three school trips, where the whole school comes
  • Wholeness and continuity, for example, together we pick and eat the potatoes that last year’s students planted.
  • Eat healthy, good, local, and organic food every day
  • Meet people from all over the world. We get numerous international students every year because of our unique selection of classes